Lion Gaming Group


The objective is to provide their clients with a visually engaging and informative preview of the platform, offering a glimpse into the immersive world of online sports betting. The landing page aims to highlight the sleek user interface, intuitive navigation, and cutting-edge functionalities that set Lion Gaming Group apart in the competitive landscape.

My Role

Working in a team of designers and developers, my responsibilities revolve around Graphic and UI/UX Design, where I focus on creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. Additionally, I actively contribute to the development process through HTML and CSS coding, ensuring a seamless integration of design elements into the final product.


User experience considerations are paramount, with competitor research helping us understand how users navigate and engage with similar platforms. This insight guides the placement of key elements, such as intuitive navigation menus, prominent call-to-action buttons, and strategically positioned information about the sportsbook's features.

Final Product

The final product is a sophisticated and user-centric landing page that not only meets industry standards but exceeds expectations. It effectively positions Lion Gaming Group as a leader in the online sports betting market, offering a compelling introduction to their platform and leaving a lasting impression on visitors, ultimately driving user engagement and sign-ups.